high quality ultrasound imaging services

services offered

  • pregnancy dating

    This is a an ultrasound done early in pregnancy to make sure the baby is growing normally and to help establish a due date. It includes an ultrasound on top of your abdomen and may need to include an ultrasound inside the vagina as well.

  • nuchal translucency

    This ultrasound helps to tell us about the baby’s risk of Down Syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities and is part of the First Trimester Screening Test. Usually, you will need a bloodwork appointment the same day.

  • anatomy

    At this point, we take a very close look at many of the different parts of the baby and the placenta. Often we can also tell you the sex of the baby as well if you’d like to know. This ultrasound is a little longer and you don’t need a full bladder.

  • growth and well-being

    This ultrasound will estimate the weight of the baby and do a measurement to check the amniotic fluid. It can also check how the placenta is working, the position of the baby and the well-being of the baby.

  • requisition form

    Click here to download a PDF version of our requisition form.

  • preparation instructions

    For dating, nuchal translucency and pelvic ultrasounds, please arrive with a full bladder. This is not necessary for fetal anatomy and growth ultrasounds.

  • keepsake photos

    Keepsake photos are available on request.

important information about your ultrasound appointment

You are welcome to bring a support person with you into your ultrasound appointment.  Space in the room is limited and we can accommodate one support person in the room.  We are unable to fit strollers in the exam rooms due to space limitations.

If you would like a chaperone (clinic staff) to come into the room with you during the exam, you are welcome to request one.

Your ultrasound technologist is unable to answer questions or give you information about the results of the ultrasound.  Your doctor, midwife or nurse practitioner will provide this information once they get the report.

You must obtain permission from the technologist before taking any pictures or video of the exam.  We may be able to provide pictures on request depending on the timeframe and characteristics of the exam.

If you would like to find out the sex of the baby at an anatomy ultrasound, let us know at the start of your ultrasound. The information you need to know to about this is posted in the exam rooms. Your consent will be required for us to provide you with this information.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest:  Dr. Dallaire has a proprietary interest in Peterborough OB/GYN Imaging.

We are happy to hear from you if you have any questions or concerns about the ultrasound services.  If you would like to provide us with feedback, please click the link above to complete the anonymous survey.   If you would have a concern and would like to make a complaint, please contact clinic staff. We will reply to any complaints within 10 business days. 

If you are not satisfied with the response to a concern or complaint, you can contact the patient ombudsman at info@patientombudsman.ca.